Best Practices IBM Adopts Within Their Open Source Program Office


Today I talked with Javier Perez, the former Director of Product Management at RedHat.

In this podcast, we dive deep into what his current role entails as an Open Source Program Strategist at IBM and discuss best practices IBM adopts within their open source program office. Javier is an expert when it comes to open source security, so it was only natural that we went into detail about why so many security vulnerabilities exist within open source and what developers should do about it.


hey everybody welcome back to the 22nd
episode of open source for business
brought to you by open teams my name is
henry badri
and today i talked with javier perez the
former director of product management at
red hat in this podcast we dive deep
into what his current role entails as an
open source program strategist at ibm
and discuss best practices ibm adopts
within their open source program office
javier is an expert when it comes to
open source software security
so it was only natural that we went into
detail about why so many security
exist within open source software and
what developers should do about it
whether you
are a user developer manager or just
curious about the industry
open teams is the place to find the
information news
training and support you need to thrive
with open source software
now the introductions are out of the way
let’s dive in
javier thanks for so much for joining me
on the podcast today hey henry
got to talk to you finally uh had a
chance to
have a conversation with you yeah i’ve
been super excited to chat to you
i know that you’ve led product teams at
over five different companies uh one of
them being red hat where
you were the director of product
management for more than two years
so can you talk about how your journey
went into open source
as a product focused leader so that we
can get get a better idea of how you
actually got here today
sure you know i started working for for
startups and
and i worked for a couple of startups uh
one of them
the name was feet henry i can tell you
the story about the name
later um and we built uh
an offering we built a cloud-based
offering a product
a platform uh 100 based on open source
software 100 based on open source
and uh that led us you know very proud
of that that
offering the group effort as a team
uh that led us into an acquisition by
red hat so that’s how i i went into into
red hat and
i went there and and obviously much more
focus on open source and i had the
opportunity to learn a lot about uh
you know more of the insight and how to
work with some of the communities
and how to contribute and many many of
the the
different things that red hat those with
the different communities
had a chance to to experience that uh
from product management perspective you
have to wear the two hats and it’s
always the
interesting piece right you have to keep
promoting the
the the open source adding more open
source software
and at the same time you have to find a
good way to monetize that open source
and and go from an
open source project into a product right
a commercial offering that’s really
interesting and so
what does that phase look like or what
did that look like at feed henry and a
red hat
yeah we we had um you know one of the
models and open source
is to go to the cloud right so you offer
the software
uh it’s out there it’s open uh anyone
can contribute and
hopefully you start building a good
community of uh
users and downstream users but at the
same time also contributors upstream
and uh and but you have to have the
balance right of obviously you you
if you are working on as part of a
business and and it’s part of your model
working with open source and having a
commercial offering
we went through the route of our
cloud-based or the hosting which is
you know it’s it’s a successful model
and many open source projects have gone
that way right
the software is open source uh but we
charge you a fee for the hosting you
don’t have to
worry about configuring setting it up
maintenance we
we take care of that and so we went in
with that route
um then at red hat um
we continued that and it was very
interesting on the red hat side because
you know we also had other products
right that open source product or
that that we wanted to complement from
from red hat’s point of view so we went
through a
good exercise of moving everything into
containers and to obviously uh openshift
before that we we our engineering team
did a fantastic job
working with uh with containers for
example when
containers were not
that known right actually even before
docker containers and before
kubernetes orchestration so we were
doing some of that work some of that
inspired by
you know the likes of heroku some of you
might remember heroku
and uh now out of salesforce um
so we were doing a lot of all that the
same same goes for node.js
we were uh working with node.js at on
the early days
and and i remember checking the npm
you know packages and the npm registry
or how many new packages we have this
month how many new packages
i will go and tell our customers hey you
see now we have
you know 10 000 more than last time we
spoke about and then you know i lost
count but obviously now we are in the
millions i believe it’s more than 1.2
packages on npm which is just amazing
growth and you know overall open source
but uh npm specifically for
for javascript and node.js that would
have been really exciting just to be at
leading edge of that technological
revolution because everyone’s using
containers today it’s just it’s kind of
become the industry standard
and when you were at red hat
how did you see the company evolve
through to
today because i know that you joined in
2014 yeah
uh you know i haven’t been there for for
for a
few years um what is it what four or
five years
uh but now i’m with ibm which you know
red hat then became part of ibm so i’m
actually working very closely with some
of the the initiatives there
between the two organizations uh one of
the things that i
noticed obviously is is the the growth
of openshift
um you know when i was there four or
five years ago
uh we we all knew that that was the next
big thing we all knew that
you know everyone was moving into
containers and
as you one thing is to to you know
build your app host your app on one
container or maybe a couple of
that’s one thing but for very large uh
uh workloads for very large applications
uh you needed a lot more than that right
you needed a full orchestration and you
need to build
more kind of enterprise great features
on top of what you have today and
that was the the premise of uh openshift
make kubernetes more enterprise grade we
add more
security features we have more uh
you know overall ecosystem around around
that so
that has that has been the difference
right linux obviously
red hat support for linux and
contributions to the linux kernel and
and linux subsystems that continues
um red herring spread linux obviously
that will continue to do well
uh pretty much everything is linux
and uh and but the big difference for me
has been
uh how much openshift has grown
uh in the last five years uh which is
just amazing and
since the ibm acquisition uh well now
they have access to all those ibm uh
clients uh customers all over the world
right so uh
even the strategy the ibm study it’s all
um you know hybrid cloud which is all
based on the same
what i call the building blocks right
the operating system
the container the orchestration of
containers the
you know the the open source
uh storage solutions and
integration solutions and runtimes and
you know what we just call middleware
all of that all those all that is stack
uh you know as well said and it’s all
based on open source so so that those
are going some of the major differences
obviously you know at that much larger
scale nowadays
what’s your favorite of the two colors
red or blue
what should i say purple now purple yeah
i think that’s i think that’s a good one
you’ve shifted from from red to blue and
i guess now i’d like to shift gears and
focus on your time
sitting in the area of the blue so i
know that you’re currently
an open source program strategist at ibm
so what’s that role entail yeah it’s a
it’s a very exciting very interesting
after what is it 10 12 years running
product management
uh product management teams responsible
leading projects and products
uh went into this role which was very
very exciting
to to me and it’s about promoting open
uh ibm being such a large organization
i’m part of the
the the ibm z organization or that
um and it’s all about promoting open
source uh ibm’s been in open source for
many many years more
than 20 years actually about 20 21 years
just on linux
but wait we can track open source way
back to the 1950s actually i have a
really good presentation when i talk
okay brief history of open source and
and it all started with the mainframes
back in
1955 right and and by the way there’s an
organization called
share which started back then and
it’s still around and doing really great
uh all about promoting uh uh sharing
software and actually that’s by the name
they said
it’s a it’s it’s what we do it’s not an
acronym it’s
what we do we share uh software and and
so my role it’s it’s internally is to
promote open source
open source internally uh there’s as you
can imagine different
levels of maturity within the the teams
uh some of them very new to open source
some of them
experts contributors uh maintainers of
some of the projects right
so you i work with with them at the
different levels uh and
externally i do a lot of advocacy uh i’m
doing now now that we’ve been still
in this pandemic i’ve been doing
webinars you know all the time
i supposed to be traveling to different
events but the webinars
blog post uh interviews podcast all of
uh which i enjoyed very much and it’s
all about talk
all about promoting the work that it’s
uh i mean or promoting open source and
also the work that
we do at an ibm uh promoting open source
including open source for the different
platforms hardware platforms
uh platforms like you know the ibm z and
the linux one
and the uh power and others and i
definitely know ibm
has been at the forefront of this open
source revolution ever since
i think it was 2000’s or maybe before
they they have always taken it very
seriously and sort of been a leader in
that front
i was gonna tell you the just just that
you mentioned that uh quick story with
linux for example
um back in in uh 2000 1999
1999 was the first time that linux was
installed was deployed in a mainframe
okay mainframe you know known as the
property operating systems property
linux was installed there for the first
time and then in 2000
uh ibm uh that was very early on for for
ibn made the decision to invest on linux
uh across all platforms right across all
hardware platforms
uh they invested a billion dollars
on linux back in 2000 wow um
with that money uh you can buy uh super
commercials actually there’s there’s one
really really good
that the linux foundations like to show
from time to time
you can buy super bowl commercials but
you can also do a lot of investment
on the different platforms right and you
can hire
engineers you can hire developers to
work upstream to work full-time
on uh on open source projects including
the linux kernel including some other
subsystems within
the linux so i i found it that when i
when i found when i heard about this
story was like
that’s we have to keep telling this
story this is this is great
right and uh and uh you know
the benefits of that it’s across the
world right so for every
developer that is contributing that is
sending a pull request with an
enhancement or a bug fix or a
vulnerability fix
that benefits everybody else including
you know all the different linux
distributions that are out there
right so it benefits uh
ibm it benefits the platforms of ibm
it’s it’s offering but it
benefits everybody else as well so ibm
definitely took that leap at the
beginning before anyone really saw
the value of open source because for
years i think at microsoft at that time
was still saying open source was a
or just before that they were so they
were they were still shocked shocked by
it but it’s very interesting to see that
ibm has had
three or two decades of of running an
open source program office when did
their open source program office start
do you know
i don’t know exact date but i i can tell
you that it’s a really
formal uh well-organized
office uh that was one of the for me
joining ibm that was
one of the the good
news or the good surprises uh for me
um there there’s it’s it’s well
uh for such a large organization it’s
really uh driving uh open source and i
can tell you a little bit of a few more
things around
you know what what what we do as part of
the open source program office
definitely i’d love to also know some
best practices because i feel like um
people listening could definitely
benefit from that yeah i mean best
and and you know maybe some of the
things that that we’re doing
at ibm that maybe some some other
organizations are not doing right
i mean of course you have to have
certain uh governance
and uh you don’t want i mean this is not
unique to ibm this is i’ve seen it on
many organizations including red hat and
many others
where you know there’s a level of
government governance right
uh you encourage your your employees
to go and work on open source work on
whatever project you want
uh you know work if you want to work
after hours or
on weekends you know that’s that’s good
too right you
you don’t need to tell that you’re
working for ibm or use your ibm email or
anything like that we encourage
our employees especially developers
engineers to go ahead and
work on on the projects that they are
interested in
why would you do that then someone will
ask why would you do that right
and and that’s motivational that’s
that’s i’ve seen it for years right
engineers developers that that are
working on something that that is of
their interest that they feel like
they’re learning
and they’re feeling that they’re doing
something uh
good positive innovative uh they
they keep they kept themselves motivated
right they’re not gonna be working from
nine to five
uh just a regular job they’re gonna be
working more hours they’re gonna work in
overnight they’re gonna work
on weekends because that’s their their
becomes a passion right so
uh encouraging that culture it’s it’s
it’s been great
um we have just just to mention a couple
of things we
we have what we call uh open source
dojos for basically bringing uh the
master or the expert
uh some of the most experienced uh kind
of open source contributors
they go on and basically volunteer for a
couple of hours a week or maybe an hour
a week
uh typically it’s done over slack slack
channel and
anyone can you know sign in on those
hours and
ask any questions right you know i have
trouble with with this
uh this community or i you know
my pull request was rejected what should
i do here or that or
you know i never i haven’t come across
this open source license or anyone has
experience with this license what should
i do on this
so the type of questions that anyone
will have
we assign this you know experts the
people that have the most experience
to lead these uh kind of what we call
open source uh dojos and of course we
uh some of the experts more on the let’s
say on our ai
related open source or some of the more
on the devops related open source and
some other more on the
you know integrations type of uh
opposite languages programming languages
uh so that’s that’s a fantastic practice
i i think uh it is that’s going really
really really well um
the the other uh interesting piece and
is is training um actually ibm made
mandatory open source training uh you
have to do it once a year every year so
you have to renew your your training
and you cover all the basics of open
source which is
it’s good refresher for for anyone all
the basics you know
from from you know what exactly what
exactly we mean with open source
software to
you know basics of the open source
licenses to
you know being a good open source uh
neighbor a good
uh citizen right where it’s not just
download and
work downstream but also go back and
contribute and you know
making very clear to people that hey if
you fork something
now you’re on your own right now you
have to maintain that fork now you it’s
it can become closed source now
so we kind of refresh on that uh every
and that training is taken by by
thousands of
uh ibm employees which is fantastic it’s
all online
it takes uh it takes uh i think it’s
it’s a
half an hour an hour results to do it
and you do it once a year
how has that training impacted the
organization internally it seems that
like that is kind of an inner source
yeah so inner source it’s it’s going
really well by the way there are over
also inner source initiatives within
different groups
uh i i recently uh heard a presentation
from a team that
did everything on a inner source model
right which for people that are not
familiar it’s it’s it’s exactly the same
as open source the only difference is
that is within the company right
you try to bring contributors you your
code is
available to anyone the only difference
is inner sources within your your own
but the other thing is that we also try
to promote that you know okay you are
done with your inner source project or
you know
release now let’s open source that right
because we see all the other benefits of
building that community and bringing
more people to
to to work with with that uh in terms of
the benefits for
for training it’s you know it’s one of
those things that it’s always hard to
to quantify right uh you know it’s like
asking for return of investment uh
on these things it’s it’s always kind of
difficult to uh
to to quantify but i’ll tell you that
um and i i’m i’m always saying there’s
never enough good communication right
you have to go and tell them or train
them enable people
again and again and again right uh
because you know everyone has
like their day jobs and uh and uh
and and you know if you’re not doing it
do you forget right
so uh it’s good to keep having it uh
it’s good that uh your employees know
what when you talk about open source and
when you talk about
as i was mentioning earlier doing a blog
post or an announcement or a press
about a new offering that comes with all
the innovation from open source
so it’s good to have the rest of your uh
company and your employees to
to talk about that as a good thing right
uh all right we are innovating uh we are
promoting innovation and and by the way
another interesting thing about ibm is
we also have a very very strong research
that works on many patents right
actually i believe
ibm is the number one company in the
world in terms of the number of patents
per year
and and we are top one top two top three
in terms of open source contributions or
contributors to open source
as well so so how come these two which
seem to be completely opposite right
you have a patent versus open source and
you know the
the same research thing that it’s uh
that has all many patents and continue
to work on patents
that same research team also works on
open source because they see the benefit
of you know growing the community
bringing more contributors
so um it is a nice balance that
have but nowadays right and we have so
many more recent examples where
companies try to kind of be more
restrictive on their licenses
or try to well we can’t just be
completely open source well
you have to have a balance that’s humble
that’s that’s that’s understandable
um you want to monetize uh your the work
that you’re doing
um but having your employee base having
engineers all familiar with open source
i think that’s that promotes innovation
and and that’s that’s been uh that’s
something i know an old thing that i’ve
like a really really positive for for an
organization and especially a large
organization like ibm that’s really
interesting i know when i first heard
about the defensive pattern strategy of
i didn’t know it was largely defensive i
thought they were taking out patterns
i believe largely hinders hinders in
innovation a lot of
a lot of senses but i heard that it was
defensive to help the open source
community which i thought was
a great initiative and i know that one
other topic that you have quite a bit of
experience in is security
open source software security to be
specific how do you
identify vulnerabilities in open source
software and
why do these vulnerabilities and
exploits exist
good good point and uh i am glad i have
the opportunity to talk about this i
i every time i have a chance i you know
do a
or presentations about open source
security and some people will say well
everything is open source right so i’m
writing i’m coding on
um java i’m coding on ojs and coding on
python and
and i’m dependent i depend on all these
libraries right i can’t just write
everything from scratch i have to use
these libraries and depending on the
programming language
you have you can have a few and you can
have hundreds
or even thousands of open source
libraries right and then the beauty of
open source is
since you have so many people working on
on on and contributing
the beauty is that that you know one
open source project
uses other open source project which
uses another open source project
and then you have a chain right of all
these dependencies and that’s what we
call you know
all the library dependencies or
transitive libraries
so with all that grow if you have a
vulnerability in one of those
dependencies it affects everything else
right it could affect
thousands uh i actually have a really
nice image of that looks like a star but
it just
in a graphic way shows all the
dependencies on on
on the libraries and the dependencies on
between between libraries
so first uh why it
it becomes out of control it’s not our
controller but it’s just
you are you are reusing open source from
everybody else
right that’s just the nature of the
nature of the beast and the same happens
with close source by the way
because you also create libraries and
for the most part
on any or most closed source software is
using open source library especially the
ones that they relate to
to your programming languages right and
so what happens there’s not a especially
for the large
larger projects right there’s not um a
single architecture
right have many contributors all
building right so as supposed to have a
single architecture and everyone moves
in that direction
you can have contributors building you
know one subsystem one another
functionality one enhancement
so the fact that you have many
contributions and and you start
growing your open source software your
project uh then that means that
that you might get you may have some
gaps there right as not as a single
those gaps can become vulnerabilities
the other important point is is really
the the lack of
um kind of security knowledge right
talking about training and talking about
enablement developers
there are some basic uh kind of security
um uh items that the developers
should learn for example you can start
with the top 10
owasp vulnerabilities right
if they if the developers know about
then they’re going to pay attention to
those potential vulnerabilities and
they’re going to write a better code so
so training uh uh it’s it’s key
the the only problem by the way some
companies will say well like
impossible to bring you know my entire
teams for training and things like that
uh a lot of companies are doing the the
concept of uh uh security champions
right so you have
one person on each team on each scrum
team or any other team
and that’s your your security expert
that’s the one that is going to go and
review or answer questions around
well let’s make sure that you don’t have
a uh
scripting uh cross-site scripting
vulnerability here or making sure that
you don’t have a
sql injection or any type of injection
into your code
and and they’re things that are kind of
relatively easy to identify with some
with just a little bit of training so
the fact that the architecture
is not one piece it’s put it together in
multiple pieces
the fact that there’s there’s some lack
of a kind of security basics
training that makes possible that they
are google abilities
all the time now or you can find
all the time now the smart thing to do
and and you know many developers know it
and do it
is i discover a vulnerability i don’t go
and tell you that there’s a
vulnerability i go and work on the fix
once i have the fix then i go and
disclose the vulnerability with here’s
the fix
which is great that’s the proper way to
do it actually the proper way to do it
will be also to disclose
the vulnerability to the national
vulnerability database or some other
repository so so other people know about
not just on you know alignment your code
or a comment in in your code
uh and then the last piece just to uh
complete here my
my comment it’s uh not every
it’s ex it’s been exploded right so one
thing is
you know you the analogy that i like to
say is you leave the door
wide open in your house or your
that that’s a vulnerability right that
doesn’t that doesn’t mean that something
bad is going to happen
right it’s just some vulnerability you
left the door wide open
now if someone comes in and steals
something that’s an exploit on your
right so the same happens in uh with
code uh
you can have you know a number of
vulnerabilities in your code
uh that doesn’t mean the salary that
you’re gonna explore that that you’re
gonna have explored like um and the
other thing is
exploits could happen in many different
ways which that’s another big problem
that we have in open source and then
open source
security which is you know we can be
take care of uh vulnerabilities but
maybe there’s a different type of
exploit that we didn’t
that we didn’t know right so so it gets
really really complex
and it’s getting very very interesting
and by the way that’s another reason why
cyber security especially the
application security space it’s
it’s hot it’s it’s growing and also in
the open source side of things
that’s great to hear and i’m a bit
worried to see what happens in the
future i think that with all this open
source and just our
entire lives built upon software there
are definitely going to be many
opportunities to
exploit the vulnerabilities so i hope we
stay ahead of the hackers or the people
that are going to exploit it
but yeah thank you so much for your time
javier it’s been great chatting with you
absolute pleasure and i hope we get to
do this sometime soon again
happy to do it henry thanks for the
invite thank you and to everyone
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so thanks everyone thanks javier and
until next time