TerminusDB Open Source Development


We were joined by Cheuk Ho who talked about the work being done with TerminusDB. TerminusDB is an open-source full-featured in-memory graph database management system that stores data like git.

TerminusDB allows for the whole suite of revision control features: branch, merge, squash, rollback, blame, and time-travel. TerminusDBs are linked through TerminusHub. Hub allows the user to manage access to databases and to collaboratively work on shared resources. You can make changes to a database, push them to hub and have a collaborator pull the synced version o


hello the internet welcome to open source directions hosted by open teams the first
business to business marketplace for open source services open source directions is the webinar
that brings you all the news about the future of your favorite open source projects my
name is melissa i’m a mathematician and software engineer based in brazil working with open source software and
communities at quanside and i’ll be your host for open source directions co-hosting with me today
is hi i’m madikin and i’m excited to be the co-host for this episode of open source
directions i’m a postdoc at the university of illinois at urbana-champaign i work on an open source project called
the yt project and i’m based in urbana illinois
two can you introduce yourself yeah sure hi i am uh with you all today i’m chuck and i
am a developer afrocard at terminusdb which is a exciting startup that we
would talk a little bit about later and uh based in london um right now so yeah
so now we have uh our favorite tweet from the past week
section where each of us will mention a tweet that we found interesting and i would like to start with chuuk can
you mention yours right so i have mine do i have to show it or
so yeah it’s a well it’s just like something that is so random that i came
across is is a um is a uh what’s that called like party pirate
dancing pirate like i think there was a period of the time people just like think of me when they see this emoji
because i use it so much i rave about everything you know so i
really like and they have a page a whole page of the dancing parish that uh you know you can have different
versions of them you can have um you know you can have the different they spin in different directions you
can have a you know a congo line it’s crazy and and i love it and
also there’s a little back story of what this emoji came from and i i don’t i don’t want to like track
on for too long but you can look it up it’s funny i feel like you need a custom version with your face on it because
like you really emanate party parrot vibes i think yeah maybe they start making some cats
and things like dogs but i think that the pirate is the best i don’t know i just i just like how it’s basically so happy you know
yeah yeah um okay well my tweet uh uh from this
week is uh sort of visualization related this is from um it came up on the
matplotlib twitter this week and there’s somebody creating a visualization book nicholas roussier or
rougier i’m not exactly sure i’m probably butchering your name sorry nicholas um and so he’s creating this
visualization with matplotlib book and somebody tweeted a couple of pictures of visualizations
that he’s created and i think they’re really amazing and beautiful and uh yeah it kind of surprises you a
little bit about like all the different ways you can use matplotlib outside of the ways you’ve been using it so i really like
this tweet so i’m going to cheat a little it’s a tweet of the week
but at the same time it’s a news item because it’s about the nobel prize in chemistry which was
awarded to two women this year and i was really happy to see that and so the tweet that i chose is um
some resources for teachers who are trying to explain to their students what the
this prize is about so i felt like it was really interesting and and wanted to share so yeah that’s my
suite of them yeah it was it was a big news even in the hong kong headlines because uh the some part of the research are funded
by a well-known businessman in hong kong so yeah so it was a big
celebration kind of like yeah congratulations to them yeah that was really great so today we
are talking about terminus to be terminus2b is an open source full-featured in-memory graph
database management system that stores data like git it is built for data people
and allows fears data integration versioning out of the box and unparalleled query it has about 800
stars on github and we are here with tuk to talk about it
so chuck can you tell us a little bit before we kind of dive into a little bit more about what terminus db
is can you tell us what a graph database is well the main difference uh from like because
people usually compare graph database to what we known and used so long time already
which is a relational database which basically is like excel but you store things of course
it’s bigger than excel if you store things in excel it would be like the the track and choice in uk but
it don’t it doesn’t work but uh yeah so like you store things like a tape in a
tablet format you link them by a key which you know like you know i was a
data scientist i’m very familiar with it i make a lot of you know tables join them together aggregate them
and join them together and all this stuff so everything is about joining about bringing the keys together to get the information that you want
so but that is not a very uh ideal step because well if you are linking things together
because a world is everything is linked together right how things are related to each other each thing has some property but
the main thing is that even these properties are something that linked to this object right so everything is linked so a graph database
is a better representation in my opinion of this kind of relations and how things are linked to each other how things are
related to each other so i think that’s the main difference of a graph database and
what something is more traditional like a you know relational database and why you know graph database is getting more
and more popular nowadays so i guess next question is who started
it why was it started and what need does it fill i think i feel like you explained a bit about
this in the previous answer but how was it started yeah so it started
there is a story like all amazing start-ups they start with a problem right
so uh our founder they actually they were they was working in the dublin university and there is a project
that they work with some like historians and researchers that they want to put
a lot of a big massive database about human history uh into
one okay so but the thing is like because it’s a massive project and it’s like they’re involving a lot of like open
data which kind of there’s different formats right and it’s massive it’s just you know you
have to link them all together so you can see that if you just put tables together and join them it’s not
the best way so um so our cto he tried to find the the solution and it’s like okay there’s
nothing in the market that can solve our problem we need something that is you know flexible enough that we could
do this so they start building this database which is not an easy job like if there’s
anything that they could use i bet that they would use it and just call it a day but what they can’t so we build this in mind
that we want it to be versatile that could solve a lot of problems that you know right now the other products in
the market can solve and then during the process they discover that oh actually what would be better if we because of
the nature of storing things in graph is actually we can build it in a way that is kind of like a git tree that you
could have revision control which actually encourage a lot of collaboration in the data which
in in in the end it kind of uh you know add a lot of values to the project so yeah awesome thank you
so you uh also hinted to us that you have a project mascot so can you tell us a
little bit about the mascot and the history of it and where it comes from yes uh so it’s a
cow duck i don’t know whether i can find a picture maybe i’ll find a picture and share the link uh in a second but
it’s a it’s a mixture of a cow and a duck oh someone already posted great yeah so uh so it’s a it’s a hybrid of a
cow and a duck so we just call it cow duck we are not you know programmers are not very good at naming things right so we
just call it cow duck and the story behind is that because we have a lot of animal lovers in the
in this team like we have lots of cat owners and you know we all love animal and we have a uh developer
and he basically he’s he’s one of our a key guy like without him or the storage like terminus tv storage won’t
happen but he was explaining in one one day in a talk was like giving an example of how things
work and so the example they use is about a love story between a cow and a duck so we kind of expand
the imagination and like oh what if they have a love child like then we then we created this cow
duck it just represents how much we love animal like this kind of like some character of the team in it
and also this uh this quality of mind is kind of the brain father of cow duck like he is um
he’s also a vegan and would love her and um so yeah i think it represents us quite
well it’s what you need you need to make like a party-parent cow duck then it sounds like
like for you know your teams that can be like yeah maybe like kevlar is dancing or
something yeah exactly i love it that adds a lot of character to the project i think it’s
really fun um and can you tell us more about uh alternative projects out there that
solve the same problem are there any yeah so a lot of questions
that we got actually is because uh they will be asking oh how does it compare with
neo4j so because if you talk about graph database people with
the most well-known in the open source world is uh neo4j they’ve been here for more than
10 years like it it’s a long history with them and i have tried to use a little bit i’m
not an expert with it i haven’t used it extensively in my previous job but i have a little experience with it i
kind of try um you know cyber a little bit their query language
and it’s not bad it’s not a bad tool but the thing is because it has a long history and when it got
created they don’t have what we have in mind at the time and then they’re just like
oh we need something more flexible than a relational database so they have all these objects and then all these objects are related to each other
but at the same time it’s quite rigid the way that is described thing because these objects they have properties it’s
not like with with terminus db we are using a um rdf format so we we have we use the
ouro uh web anthology language as a um as a base of building the schema so even
a property of an object is actually not a attribute of the object it’s
actually everything is in triple so it’s just uh so the only thing that matters the relation so is that this object got this
relation of this property so for example you can have a name of an object but it’s actually it’s like
okay this object with an id of course uh the label would be uh
so yeah so so everything even the property is actually a relationship and it’s get a
lot of flexibility that you could create a schema that you could describe your thing because sometimes this object property and
relation this model may not work uh if for example if you have more complex things like you have a subclass
or like you know you can see a lot of examples like this in the actually the history database this such a database which started this
project at start of this database and you can see that inside there’s a lot of complexity in the data there’s
also time period you know all this stuff that is not easy to represent if you have a
less flexible schema and model so yeah and also we can do revision control yeah
um okay well so thank you for telling us also about the schema i didn’t even realize this so this is cool um can you tell us
a little bit about what technology it’s built on and also i’d like to remind
uh people who are watching to ask questions in the chat and we’ll get to them in the q a section so
please add them and we’ll ask chuck and i’m sure she’ll give us all sorts of great party parent answers
yeah so about uh the technology so actually the fun fact about us is that
the database itself is written in prologue which is quite surprising every time i
describe to people they’ll be like oh really like people kind of think the
traditional image of prologue would be like oh that’s something that i’ve done in university if you’re studying computer science
and then at a certain period i know that like there’s some generation thing there but like
but yeah oh i’ve done it in university but um i’ve never used it in in real real life
and how come well actually having people overlook the the the possibility of prologue because
as a very i would say there’s a quite a strange programming language because you know the common people like kind of
understand about programming language is kind of a you know a stream of you know
instructions for the computer to carry out but uh prolog is more like logical
reasoning so uh so in in in that sense building a database with it
is actually makes a lot of sense because every time you make a query you’re actually asking the database like
okay i have this set of logic i want the data that fulfill all this can you give me those data so um so that’s how actually well that’s
why we we have like done it in prolog our cto has tried different languages before but and at the end of the day realize that
why i’m writing prolog with java so yeah so that’s why it’s just
like okay we just do prologue and of course does the store is in rust because uh
well if you want kind of fast and kind of low level kind of manipulation of your storage data in in
you know in your memory then you want something low level like rust which is also like a new thing
compared to see that uh well but it works very well actually and there of course there are some
advantages but i’m not a back-end developer i can’t tell you in detail but that’s that’s what i know about and uh yeah we
have a very good team that could develop in rust um so right now the front end is built of
course we have a console which kind of deal with javascript because it works in your browser and also uh because i joined the team
and i really love python so we have a python client uh that would work very well with um you
know if you’re a data scientist if you want to work with python here you go that’s your tour
um yeah so uh yeah i think that uh so yeah our query language also you
know it kind of similar to prologue if you have try our query language which is called waco we we love names okay
so it’s uh yeah it’s i think it’s a web anthology query language so that’s why i stupid oql wacko
and it’s yeah it’s kind of very it will remind you of prologue trust me yeah
i find it awesome that we can still piece these things together even like prologue and rust and it’s
like extremes of age and you know generations uh like tony’s saying in the chat
like generations of computing and then you can put them together to work i think that’s amazing um can you tell us a bit about who
maintains the project yeah so uh actually i would say that the
whole team making the project of course we have developers where front-end developers maintaining the
front-end bit which is the console and also the client we have back-end developers who’s basically maintaining all the it’s kind
of the source of life of the database we have also uh op teams that kind of
make sure delivery is working and also developing the electron app we just like push out our
electron app so people can just use it like more os friendly we don’t have to use docker all the time
which is great um also even if our i mean you know colleagues they they also help
with documentation i kind of i try to teach them you know get and then uh you know actually i like our
um our administrative uh person like she actually changed all the typos for us
and then by going to github and you know knowing how to use it and it’s amazing i think the whole team is
is is maintaining the the whole project um so everybody can do that bit and i and
that’s why i love it i love that like in in a startup environment you got a lot of chance to go out of your comfort zone and try
things that you won’t normally do like for example i also sometimes try to do stuff that i won’t normally do as
well which i think that’s great yeah so how did you get involved in the
project personally like it’s you know you’re interacting with a lot of people like what is your story with getting involved
yeah so it started last year actually um when i was so my previous job actually is a data
scientist role in a bank so i was really frustrated by uh the way that you know in in a big
corporate environment and also i i feel that they kind of contradict with what i love doing all the time
which i go to conference i contribute to the community i want to share the knowledge i want to bring
people into open source because i personally love it and i found it you know fun and enjoyable to
to you know to work with open source projects so um so i was looking uh into
different things because i know friends from conferences that they they have this role i’ve never heard before that their developer avocad so
it’s like what do you do like i just see you all the time in the conference so do you have to work and they say like yeah it’s actually
like part of my work is you know to to promote a product in in conferences it’s like oh okay it sounds
cool um yeah so and i get to know more and more and then i started to make a career change i want to become a
developer avocad so and then i came across terminus db uh at the beginning it was like oh
should i apply for it because it you know the head office is in dublin uh of course now we go fully remote
because of kovic but that’s that’s great um but yeah before it was like okay they are an irish company
like it would work and then they was like oh yeah it’s fine like we we actually you know can accommodate to remo working
and the stuff and so yeah we have some interviews and like i i actually like the whole process i enjoy
talking with the team and then at the last stage they’ll be like oh yeah like uh actually we want to meet you
and then because they said that they would come to london quite often and yeah which is great but at that time
i was very lucky because i’m going to pycon island to give a talk so i was like okay
maybe i can sneak out from the conference and meet you and then but but like most of the team was
actually in the us at the time but uh our cto was still in dublin so i’ve met him and
uh have a chat we both enjoyed it we both think that we will work well together so yeah
that’s awesome i really like how you know like the whole trajectory i think it’s really
awesome um so what communities are users and contributors to turbines to be from yeah i would say
that we got a very broad range of users um because the thing is like because we
try to be very um versatile but the thing is sometimes we have to take stages of like taking
people on board so i think we range from people who um i think right now there’s like people
who basically maybe they have a application they want to integrate you know terms db into the application
so that that’s one group of people and then there’s also another group people like what i do previously like data people
that we need to have a solution to our data science project or data do some data analyzation with a
better solution um and also we i think now we’re trying to
expand it so we could adopt people that maybe they’re not from technical background not like
the previous two groups they may be not like comfortable in coding so we’re trying to build
a um a gui interface so they can make query by drag and drop rather than writing code um so yeah we
try to incorporate into maybe data managers um into into user group as well
for contributors we have contributors from uh from all spectrum like we have a lot
of python contributors thankfully and uh because i kev i organized some sprints with different conferences and
and the python community is just lovely um so we have lots of contributors but also we have contributors from
universities that they may be for example prologue is quite a popular one because people rarely find projects
that they could work in prologue also we do have some kind of rust expert
helping as well so like for prologue we also have a good
communication chin walk so yeah so
so we basically we because we are open source we are very uh integrated with different users and different
communities which i think is amazing yeah that is amazing and it’s really
nice to hear about all of these different sort of communities that you’re interacting with it’s really cool
so can you tell us a little bit about if the project is involved in any diversity and inclusion efforts
and what those are yeah so uh for the team itself we actually have
a very good proportion gender wise um we i think now is a little bit
you know more like because before we have almost 50 50 but i think one female developer left us
like uh early this year so uh but you know we still have a lot of female developers in
the team which is quite surprising because usually in my previous work uh live that i may be the only one or the
second lady in the team but we now we are free and um
also uh we you know uh we try to be like inclusive we have a code of conduct that makes
sure that when people commented uh you know in various platforms they are respectful
um yeah i think we we are very open-minded and very supportive in inclusion
and myself you know um because of my role and also because what i learned from the community i really
want to help uh you know minorities in the tech community to get more involved because
i think we the the other reason why we’re underrepresented because we don’t show our faith enough that you know new people won’t be
inspired you know young you know young girls or young female won’t be inspired they would think that always a man’s world because
well there are female developers out there it’s just like we we are not you know as active as as the
male developers because maybe some people their personal life may not allow that but
because now we’re online why not we just involve more so yeah yeah i think that’s great
to hear and representation is definitely part of the solution i believe that too
so now we’re going to shift into the project demo and uh where we get to see some of the
cool features of terminus db and how it works and uh you can get set up and while you do that
we would like to take this opportunity to thank our sponsor quonsite for sponsoring this episode of
open source directions quanside creating value from data so whenever you’re ready you can take
the stage yeah so i would like to show you a little bit about this this alcohol so
um actually like i said before there’s a electron app version for windows and volumix
not for mac os yet that’s what i’m using so i’m using the docker container and i’m used to it so
that’s fine you can still use it with docker um so yeah uh first thing i want to show is that
you can locked in i’ve already done it i don’t want to lock out and log back in again so i’ll skip that stuff but yeah you can sign up for an account
uh on hub it’s free um of course if you’re a company if you want more um
you know more uh functionalities you can talk to us you can have a page here but
for most people if your individual user free tier is good enough it’s just like your github you know freet is usually
good enough so yeah just sign up like why not um and then after that you can actually clone some
open database that we have created before you can also share yours if you have some open data that is in the creative
commons like the dbpdl which is of course wikipedia information which is creative commons so we work with them
and then we have uploaded the data you can get it but it’s quite big so make sure if you’re using docker you increase your
memory size that’s the problem that i have before but what i’m going to show you is a very small demo which is this
back bank balance example so i’m going to clone it it’s published by our cto gavin so
i’ve deleted my copy so i’m i’ve now just cloned it so oh fail to clone is it true it may not be
true because um maybe i haven’t deleted before so i don’t know what happened
yeah i think it’s like it occurs that like when you do live demo something is just like suddenly doesn’t want to work with you
oh absolutely it’s definitely a class so yeah make sure my service running it was
working just like before i don’t know what happened but uh yeah okay
maybe this is right uh because i’m running https so sometimes you just like say that oh it’s not safe you can’t do
that oh no yeah so i’m doing this again i hope that worked this time three times a charm uh but anyway i
maybe i’ll show you a little bit of of this uh jupiter nook book script so this is actually how
you can use the python client so you just need to uh set up you know of course you have to download the python client you can do it
by pip in store you can use it in your jupyter network i think this is quite popular choice among data scientists
um you can just yeah you know set up the url so this is my url like i said i’m using https
but yeah that may cause some trouble but you can use http if you’re not connecting to hub but
because i am so that’s why i’m using https um so yeah you have to have the database
name which uh you will see it in a bit hopefully so let’s try it again and then uh yeah
if you’re using electron app you won’t have problems yeah now you can clone it yeah i think it’s https that’s caused
some problem but here you go so now you have this in your local database and then you can see that gavin was
working on it you know adding some you know profile in it so these people fake people actually
do have a bank account with us okay so you can see actually like yeah they’re free users free bank account
holders and jim mike and jane okay and then they have bank accounts and
you can see for um the schema here that we will have you know um bank account each account
they have different properties so this is kind of like a overview that you can see in the console that you see
what you have in your database i think it’s quite useful when you explore the schema of it because you understand how to make a query
so you can see that the bank account here actually you have a property that’s named balance so what i’m going to do now is to see
how much money do so yeah of course these are like they’re a fake person so i’m not
like violating any privacy law um so um yeah i’m just like looking
at how much jim has so i would have a look at jim’s account and i definitely want to know how much
money jim has like tell me jim secret tell me your secrets
yeah so okay i’ve done so okay i gotta explain this a little bit okay it’s difficult to type and talk at
the same time so okay so i’m asking for a triple that basically the first two
would be because this is stock so it need to be jim we saw that earlier that jim has an
account and the property is balanced and this this thing actually is a variable so it starts with a v
colon so it’s a variable so okay name because i don’t know this value right i don’t know how much money jim has so i
say okay name this value give me the answer of this so when you run it you’ll see that value
is h so jim has eight i don’t know let’s say age dollar okay
so right now okay jim has h dollars poor guy let’s give him more money okay
so what i’m gonna do is that i would use a um method add and then what i’m gonna do is
that this will give me value h right so i want the same triple but this time it
for me well of course when you delete something you have to add it back right so i want to add
the same triple except the value this time let’s say 999 dollars become a rich man okay so
would you like to my bank account this would be great thanks yeah i wish i could do that so
uh what i’m gonna do here is that i could do a um the reason for updates because well my
manager may check that what have i done so i would say that make jim rich why not okay
so run the query okay oh ad is not defined why okay so oh sorry it’s it’s n sorry yeah it’s
n because i’m running these three things together that i use an n sorry my bad okay now it’s it’s changed so
well of course this is what i’ve done previously so it doesn’t count so um
let’s do this uh query again so i’m asking jim how much money again okay
run it so now jim has 999 dollars yay um happy gym okay so when you look at it
now actually you can see the comment message i’ve seen so my manager can check that what happened to jim right okay because check make him rich okay
all right so um now we can actually all this stuff actually you can do the same with the python client but i gotta
do something different uh to show that you can use the client um so remember all this stuff you know both
of them will work using it on the console using it on the client uh just the syntax may be slightly different but
basically they both can carry out the same operation so what i’m going to do here now is that
of course i create a client in python and then connect it to the database so okay i’ve run it before
that’s why it’s full but don’t worry about that so now i’ve connected okay and now i want to create a london branch
so because i live in london so i would create a london branch and here so if you now check that you
have to refresh actually refresh it and yeah just take a while and you’ll
see that now here the branch here you can change it to london branch so there’s actually two branch now but now there’s
nothing to see here because well it’s just the same i just create a new branch it should be the same as the main branch
um so what i’m going to do now is that i would tell the client to check out the the london branch
and then i would create an account for uh check so a check here okay so i will run this
and now if i go to here refresh again just to be sure that is new data here that you will see that in
this main branch nothing changed but if i switch to the london branch you’ll see
that now check has been added so if you see the account here you see hey now we have check
so i forgot how much money i gave myself actually let me see i give myself 234 dollars actually i can
make a query as well to see how much money i have uh if i could yeah so this time is jerk
let’s see if i have 234 dollars yeah i have 234 dollars but i only exist in the london branch
i’m not in the main branch so if i go to let’s say go to the us i can’t get my money so what should i do
okay so you can do something like here if you go to brunch again you can do this in the
in the um jupiter notebook or with some uh with the clients but it’s just different if you some people prefer gui so that
you can do it here um so yeah you can see the in the main branch the last thing is make stream
rich but it’s not updated so i want now to merge the london branch into the main
branch and this time i’ll be like update
details okay let’s say update details so now i can add this uh a check back to
the main branch so now if you go to the main branch you’ll see that
uh yeah i’ve added myself and uh chuck is now in the main branch and this is yeah this
is how you can do it and uh i hope this is a fun little demo
that you enjoy yeah it was awesome yeah i don’t know why you didn’t give
yourself more money though uh i could but you know i could add the i don’t know
what’s the largest integer we can have maybe there’s a limit i don’t know whether it’s double or something but yeah i need to
check with the backend team but yeah now that looks really good and i i
thought it was really smooth like the whole operation was very nice to watch so that’s really great so um
now i would like you to speak a bit about the roadmap for the project like do you have plans and where is the project going
what do you plan on doing next what’s missing and can you describe a bit about what’s happening there
yeah and also like where people can get involved if you have if somebody wants to start you know getting involved in your
community and contributing like where is where is a good spot for them yeah so
we have a regular roadmap meeting we also have a discord channel which uh the whole
community can talk to us so if they have any ideas uh they could actually uh
you know talk to us there i would just post the link of the the link to join the discord channel in
the chat um so yeah like uh our roadmap our current roadmap will be we want to make it more
user-friendly to maybe corporate clients we do have a corporate clients at the moment and that’s why we
see that uh actually we can make it more user friendly for them um so uh yeah so what we’re doing now is
that we wish there is like a well it’s actually partly done like we now can load in a csv
into a the schema list uh graph which like you can load into
the the table first and then you can build the schema afterwards so which which is very handy
and when we yeah of course now we can do it with csv and then the next step will be do it
with excel so because i know people love excel but it’s not the best tool in the world right you could lost all the track entries um you know
record in it with the uk government i don’t know how they managed to do that but uh yeah it’s not the best tool for a large
number of data so that’s why we need a database that you could handle that right so um yeah so
hopefully we can have our users can load in excel files and you know
have a graph data from there and of course we’re building a um a tool i mentioned a little bit
before that it’s a gui interface that people can make query without knowing how to code they don’t need to
type anything they can just drag and drop what they want to to make a query so it’s kind of like the
ibm watson if you’ve used that before so uh yeah so i think it’s well for ibm watson i’ve tried a little bit it’s
actually quite easy to build a chatbot so i hope that it’s quite easy to build a graph database as well so yeah
yeah all that sounds great and i think you what you’re giving me is like i have an
idea of the project as going really where the users are like meeting the users where
they are instead of bringing uh the other way around and i don’t know if that’s right if that’s what’s happening there but that’s the
impression i get yeah we do love our users and we
yeah we do have people you know chatting a lot in the community and we always love them so yeah is there a particular um
like initiative that you’re the most excited about and why is that
uh about you know the the new development or yeah or wherever you know like in you
know where in where the project is going is there something that like you you personally are super excited about
oh yeah i’m super excited about so the most recent thing that i’m most excited about is that we have a um
a graph oh actually i should have shown you in the jupyter notebook like now we have a graph visualization that
is interactive in the jupyter notebook that’s something that i dreamed for for a long time i was when i was a data scientist i do
some like graph analyzation and things like that and i use network x right so now x
provide a lot of good algorithm i love it but the visualization with network x is rubbish sorry like if i
if you love the visualization of network x i’m sorry but it’s really rubbish it’s not good looking and you know sometimes
if you have a lot of information it’s just clustered together it’s not the best um so i always dream of a network graph
you know visualization that is interactive that you could customize it change the color and all these things
and you can you know drag around these different uh points you know uh nook and edges so you can see
better uh now we can have it uh and i i’m very happy so yeah well we would
love to see it i mean you know if yeah i don’t know if we have time but if you if you want to you could show it
to us it would be right yeah actually it’s in a in a blog if you go to our website terminusdb.com and then
go to our blog uh there is a blog post with the uh with the hackathon that we have done with dbpedia
in that block actually there’s a showcase of an interactive graph so you can see how it looks like oh awesome okay
extremely cool yeah it’s good that you can play around with it as well so i recommend you to check it out
yeah i love all these interactive features you’re talking about like not only with the graph but that if
somebody’s building a query with this like new interface that you’re creating it sounds like it’s going to interact a
little bit with them to like build a good query which is extremely cool like i really really like that
yeah well yeah so thanks for all that and i guess now is the time to get to
some viewers questions we have a few but if anyone else would like to ask something now is your last chance so please
ask your question in the chat or in the questions uh tab on on uh livestorm
um so go to the first question which is if i know python what language will i have to know
to write queries in terminal cb if you know python so to make the query of you know in
terminus db actually you just need to learn so you just need to install the python
client and then we have a documentation about how to make query it’s just like what i’ve shown earlier
that you have to call triple you have to call um so it depends so you you use the queries to build
the schema to build to low in the data so all this is like adding triple but we also create
something like you can add the documentation documents you know um yeah if you check the documentation
you see of them we have some example there as well um and also like if you make query you
just like what i did you call the triple you just make the relations using the variables uh so like i said it’s like logical
thinking so you have to make logics that okay or this variable that i set up is the answer that i want
so it need to fulfill this triple like the previous previous example so this variable that
one is the value and this value need to be fulfilling that it’s a balance of gym
okay so it will only give me jim’s balance it’s not the balance of mark or it’s not the balance of jerk it’s the balance of gym
um so it need to fulfill that triple that requirement you can have multiple of them you can link it up you can have like maybe for
example you don’t know uh jim’s uh you know let’s say you well it’s not the same as the example
but let’s say you have stored jim’s uh credit card uh number so you’ll be like oh what’s how many how
much money you have in this credit card account right so you don’t know the name of the credit card holder you don’t know jim but you can match like okay this account holder
who has this credit card number also this account holders is another variable
and then we you know have the balance of what value so you link them by variable so
it’s just logical reasoning you don’t have to learn something new you don’t have to like for example neo4j you have to learn cyber
but in internal sdb is well we have waco but you’re still using python you’re just
using some methods to make logics
okay yeah thank you that was a really useful and helpful answer so thank you can you tell us a little
bit about some interesting use cases you’ve seen uh in you know in the wild uh with terminus tv
yeah so what i would say the most interesting use case is uh what we have done with dbpedia we
have loading the whole dvd here in terminus db and then we uh we are
moving so that’s what we did in the hackathon we are moving some of these uh dbp data into the shasha history data bank
so we are kind of crosstracking the the data as well we have well we have just do a part of this just
as an example but everybody’s welcome to do it it’s a well it’s an open source project you
know so the data open source this two is open source um so yeah we are cross-checking some of
the walls that happen in a certain period of time and then checking like you know what’s the result of the war
who were the you know the general of the war and then we just bring across the data which is quite
cool and we found some some some data you know uh some data quality issues as well for example some
of the year they’re like you know they’re bc and they’re missing a minus there so so it’s
confusing whether it’s ad or or bc you know you have to cross check them um so yeah this is quite
interesting but of course we also have another commercial side of use as well not just for the research researchers uh
we also have clients actually and my colleagues working very hard for them right now um that they are a um they are retailers
in um in dublin and not ireland um so they yeah they actually have a
storage problem with their uh you know the stock and all this they want a management system
so uh yeah so we we provide some kind of um not just storing the data of the
stock but also doing some prediction because we can get the data quite easily and then we can put it in some
you know data science tool and give them predictions and all this so yeah so it works with data science
project yeah that’s really nice um so i would just
like to mention that travis thank you travis shared the link about the hackathon that you mentioned before in the in the
questions or in the chat for livestream so there’s a link and you can check it out and see the
hackathon what that’s all about so thank you um that’s really interesting um
okay so now it’s time for our world famous rent and raid section
where we each get 15 seconds to rent a rave about whatever topic we want so check this is your soapbox you can
start right i have i’ve not stopped uh ranting about the kovic situation
you know i i keep saying because the thing is like things were getting better now it’s getting worse again
we just have a short kind of relaxed period and um yeah i just hope people um make
smarter decisions regarding their own health and also the people around them the safety of
of people around them uh because well we all have been affected i you know in my job i used to travel a
lot um but now of course i stay at home we have to do things online but you know um but i think if we you know
do it together we would change the situation and we would yeah we’ll be back on track
yeah i think that sounds fair like i know we’re ranting about this a lot but everybody’s affected like you said so
there’s really no escape from that right but they can yeah it’s been going on for months so i
mean yeah it would be reason we worked together so it wasn’t still a huge problem and i
didn’t have like the next six months to look forward to being in this really wonderful room of mine so
i agree with you yeah um okay well i am gonna rave about
a late tech girl attack package that i saw on twitter today um so i’ll link it and it’s a halloween
math package that you can use as an extension for uh latak or latex uh people get
really angry about the if i mispronounce it anyway it has like witches and pumpkins and skulls
like feel like i want to see some equations with some of these in here and what would make bath math like even
cooler than adding cool halloween things so i’m raving about it i love it
oh my god i love that i’ll definitely check that out there’s a lot like person yes i’ll definitely check that out yes
okay if you do some equations for them on twitter and i’ll like love them it’ll be so i’ll share for sure
um so for my turn i would like to rave about brazilian children’s day which is next monday and i have a six-year-old so
we’re gonna be having fun uh try some some fun stuff and i was talking to you before we have like a
role-playing game lined up to to play on monday and so we’ll celebrate and that’s
like that’s the little celebrations we can get right now but that those are um great for getting us
going a few more months i guess yeah and also a nice escape right like if
you’re in uh like a magical world where things are good it makes it like you know the outside world also fun
right yeah absolutely
sorry well i guess that’s all uh the time we have for today i want to
thank you for participating i’m sorry i’m getting a little choked up but
uh thanks for watching and thank you so much for all the explanations and answers it was awesome
i i learned a lot and i thought it was extremely interesting to know more about terminus tb yeah
databases i learned so much yeah yeah thank you for having me i really enjoyed
it so yeah thank you so much thanks everybody for listening uh you can find us on twitter
open teams inc and at quan side ai choke where can people find you and
terminus tv right so if you want to find me i think the best thing is twitter i will give you my twitter
handle and terminusdb as well you can find us on twitter and also the link
above that i share which is the community you can join and chat with us
that’s great thank you if you liked what you saw today please go to our youtube channel and like and
subscribe to see more of this content and we look forward to you joining us next episode
where we’ll have a discussion on pandas the cutest python package ever
[Laughter] thank you all so much thanks
bye bye bye