Not everybody who wants to get into deep learning has a strong background in math or programming. This post elaborates on a concepts-driven, abstracti…
Sometimes, deep learning is seen - and welcomed - as a way to avoid laborious preprocessing of data. However, there are cases where preprocessing of s…
Mostly when thinking of Variational Autoencoders (VAEs), we picture the prior as an isotropic Gaussian. But this is by no means a necessity. The Vecto…
TensorFlow Probability offers a vast range of functionality ranging from distributions over probabilistic network layers to probabilistic inference. I…
As shown in a previous post, naming and locating a single object in an image is a task that may be approached in a straightforward way. This is not th…
Embedding layers are not just useful when working with language data. As "entity embeddings", they've recently become famous for applications on tabul…
In deep learning, there is no obvious way of obtaining uncertainty estimates. In 2016, Gal and Ghahramani proposed a method that is both theoretically…
Object detection (the act of classifying and localizing multiple objects in a scene) is one of the more difficult, but very relevant in practice deep …
Like GANs, variational autoencoders (VAEs) are often used to generate images. However, VAEs add an additional promise: namely, to model an underlying …
Why do we use the activations we use, and how do they relate to the cost functions they tend to co-appear with? In this post we provide a conceptual i…