It's been a while since this blog featured content about Keras for R, so you might've thought that the project was dormant. It's not! In fact, Keras f…
We train a model for image segmentation in R, using torch together with luz, its high-level interface. We then JIT-trace the model on example input, s…
Geometric deep learning is a "program" that aspires to situate deep learning architectures and techniques in a framework of mathematical priors. The p…
Using the torch just-in-time (JIT) compiler, it is possible to query a model trained in R from a different language, provided that language can make u…
The topic of AI fairness metrics is as important to society as it is confusing. Confusing it is due to a number of reasons: terminological proliferati…
We are excited to announce the availability of sparklyr.sedona, a sparklyr extension making geospatial functionalities of the Apache Sedona library ea…
Sparklyr 1.7 delivers much-anticipated improvements, including R interfaces for image and binary data sources, several new spark_apply() capabilities,…
Today, we're introducing luz, a high-level interface to torch that lets you train neural networks in a concise, declarative style. In some sense, it i…
Torch is not just for deep learning. Its L-BFGS optimizer, complete with Strong-Wolfe line search, is a powerful tool in unconstrained as well as cons…
The sparklyr 1.6 release introduces weighted quantile summaries, an R interface to power iteration clustering, spark_write_rds(), as well as a number …