Creating Web Maps From Your Data With Python Folium

If you’re working with geospatial data in Python, then you might want to quickly visualize that data on a map. Python’s Folium library gives you access to the mapping strengths of the Leaflet JavaScript library through a Python API. It allows you to create interactive geographic visualizations that you can share as a website.

You’ll build a web map that displays the ecological footprint per capita of many countries and is based on a similar map on Wikipedia. Along the way, you’ll learn the basics of using Folium for data visualization.

In this video course, you’ll:

  • Create an interactive map using Folium and save it as an HTML file
  • Choose from different web map tiles
  • Anchor your map to a specific geolocation
  • Bind data to a GeoJSON layer to create a choropleth map
  • Style the choropleth map

You’ll use Folium inside of a Jupyter notebook, so the Folium library will render your maps directly in the Jupyter notebook. This gives you a good opportunity to visually explore a geographical dataset or include a map in your data science report.

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