Vectors & Embeddings Roundtable

In this roundtable, Andriy Mulyar, Ben Schmidt, Laurens van der Maaten, and Leland McInnes will discuss embeddings and vectors, and the challenges involved with storing, searching, and visualizing vector datasets.

Misconceptions and Pitfalls of Runtime Security

Vali Cyber™’s CTO & Cofounder Austin Gadient and Head of Threat Intelligence Nathan Montierth will dive into Linux runtime security, supply chain attacks, and tools for security and testing.

Imposter Syndrome in Python Developers

Julian Sequeira and Bob Belderbos of PyBites discuss Impostor Syndrome and its psychological aspects/effects/impact, and present practical strategies for overcoming it.

Pathway to CTO: Transitioning from Engineering Manager to Chief Technology Officer

Virtual Event Virtual Event

The evolution of technology leadership roles brings about transitions, none more common than the leap from an Engineering Manager to a Chief Technology Officer (CTO). In this episode of "The Engineering Manager" podcast, we embark on an illuminating journey through the critical skills and mindset shifts essential for engineers eyeing the coveted role of a CTO.